Saturday, August 30, 2008

Scales and Modes

My goal is to encompass through painting, all that I wish to say and experience. I know that sounds far fetched, but I do believe that it is entirely possible. There has to be a way that all parts of you can seep into the painting under the guise of form.

Exercising color paths, just as a musician will play scales and modes until, they begin to slip into the expression in form, without even knowing when they broke from simply doing the scale. This one way that I start.

I will occasionally walk around in the early evening with sketchbook and jot down fleeting impressions and guesses of what I think I see. This exercise can grow into sketches, which looked at a later date reveal unrelated hints to activate my imagination. While painting, these "drawings" are really more like a series of keys that help to unlock a larger whole.

This inspiration can come from just about anywhere. A movie, a walk, or the way the sunlight bounces of a porcelain dish. Closing my eyes, I will see even more. The trick is to be able to focus, and say something clear, without being literate.