Wednesday, September 3, 2008

TItle of Paintings

I look forward to what my paintings will bring forth in the future. I trust that there is no limit to the complexities of nature. That I may stop looking so hard and let these things come forth.

As the seasons change and the sun goes down, it is easier to see / imagine the depth of the space, even between my eyes and the ground I walk on.

The secret laws of painting are somewhere between what you thought you saw and what moves you. This is something very hard to pinpoint.

How to title your paintings? What is it that you want to convey in the literal sense to attach to your painting? Should I describe the noun or the or place? Subject of what is being depicted? Should I label what is happening in the painting, or what it looks like may be happening?

If I am standing outside near a tree and say this is a painting of that, and point toward the tree, or if hold my arms out and say a painting of this. The second would encompass what is all around you. Is there a way to make this distinction in the selection of a title.