Saturday, September 6, 2008


The idea of a painting being described as a scene interests me. A scene is like a part of something larger, as if in a movie of a play. I would like to think of it as a place where a human drama is performed.

There has to be a tension between the depiction of what is happening and the sense of environment that sets the tone for all of this. Painting, like poetry can indicate something very particular by merely suggesting. As far as the figuration of these paintings, I feel as if I am focusing on setting the scene and then watching the drama unfold.

The form should be read first like music, whereby the content slowly comes to light.

More than anything, I love when the painting begins to speak with its own voice, in its own world.

Just one tiny inflection of tone or hue can completely change the painting as a whole. This is one of the most exciting to witness in the poetry of painting.

The way pieces of color are arranged in relation to each other is what creates the illusion of light. These harmonies are what sustains us until the content is distilled and can begin to speak.